Pneumococcal Vaccine

Pneumococcal Vaccine is available here in the pharmacy but is subject to availability of the vaccine. The cost is €50 and this includes the Vaccine, Consultation and Administration of the vaccine.

This vaccine protects against illnesses caused by the Streptococcus Pneumoniae bug such as Pneumonia, Septicaemia (blood poisoning) and Meningitis. The vaccine is NOT recommended for healthy adults under the age of 65 years as they are at low risk of pneumococcal disease.

Those who fall in to the At Risk Category are:

  • Anybody over 65 years of age
  •  Adults aged 18 and over with the following:
    •  Diabetes Mellitus
    • Chronic heart, liver or respiratory disease
    • Chronic renal disease, nephritic syndrome, renal transplant
    • Sickle cell disease
    • Those with non-functioning or no spleens
    • Immune disorders including Cancer
  •  Those receiving chemotherapy or other immune suppressing treatments
  • Anyone with HIV infection or AIDS
  • Those who have had/ are going to have cochlear transplants
  • People who smoke **
  • Someone with alcohol dependence **
  • Those exposed to metal fumes through their working environment ( .ie Welders)


For further information please feel free to call in to the pharmacy at any stage to discuss availing of this vaccine and the charges involved. You can also visit: