Community Drug Scheme

Here in Rosslare Pharmacy we provide a full dispensing service. Along with private prescriptions we dispense medication under all of the following schemes:

Medical Card Scheme (GMS)

If you are a medical card holder the following prescription charges apply:
Under 70’s prescription charge is €1.50 for each item , up to a maximum of €15 per person or family.
Over 70’s prescription charge is €1.00 for each item, up to a maximum of €10 per person or family.

Long Term Illness (LTI)

If you suffer from  a Long Term Illness such as Cystic Fibrosis, Epilepsy or Hydrocephalus you can apply to get your medication covered under the Long Term Illness Scheme. To see a full list of medical conditions that may qualify you for a long term illness card visit

To qualify for a Long Term Illness Card you do not need to be means tested. Under this scheme you can get some medication and approved appliances from the pharmacy.

Drugs Payment Scheme (DPS)

Anyone who is ‘ordinarily resident’ in Ireland can apply for a Drugs Payment Card. Ordinarily resident means you are living here in ireland and plan to live here for at least one year. Like the LTI card there is no means test to be approved.

Once you have your Drugs Payment card an individual or family will not pay anymore than €80 per calendar month for approved drugs, rental costs of a CPAP machine or the rental costs of oxygen.  You can find out more information of a DPS card here.

Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS)

If you are the holder of a valid medical card you may be entitled to some approved medication prescribed by your dentist. Not all medication prescribed by your dentist is covered however.

Health Amendment Act (HAA)

If the Health Amendment Act 1996 applies to you, your prescribed medication will be free of charge.

Hospital Emergency

If you have a medical card and have been discharged from an Accident and Emergeny department or Public Hospital with a hospital prescription, we can issue up to 7 days supply of your medication without having to go to your GP before hand to get a medical card prescription. The same levys apply to this scheme as the medical card.

High Tech Medicines

High Tech medications are typically expensive medicines prescribed in a hospital setting using a specified form. We supply them under the Medical Card, Hospital Emergency, LTI and DPS Schemes. Under the DPS scheme a patient will still pay the monthly threshold of €80.00 per individual / family but with the other schemes the High Tech medication will be free of charge.

EU Residents